Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Seaweed Foundation Indonesia

According to legend the Japanese people, so that first made accidentally in the mid-17th century, probably in 1658. When it's a Japanese government official staying at a motel in the winter. The motel owner, Minoya Tarozaemon, presents the seaweed jelly, made from Gelidium sp.

After dinner is finished, the excess jelly discarded by
the owner of the motel. Jelly is frozen in the cold winter night
winter, then thaw and dry by the sun. Tarozaemon find this soft material and then boil it. The result, he found that more white jelly compared to the original.

Svein Jarle Horn, researchers from the Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, has been researching the potential of seaweed
Laminaria hiperborea as a producer of bioethanol by utilizing
laminaran and mannitol as a substrate.

Japan also has made a project called Ocean Sunrise Project, which aims to produce bioethanol from seaweed Sargassum horneri. The technology for producing bioethanol from seaweed has been applied in Korea and Vietnam. However, the use of seaweed as raw material for bioethanol must continue in trials in Indonesia. Our country has the potential as an advocate for the needs of bioethanol feedstock in the future. This is because seaweed can grow well in some areas in Indonesia. Even at this time Indonesia became the largest producer of seaweed in the world.

Seaweed Foundation Indonesia (YRLI) have examined the technique of making bioethanol from seaweed. Seaweed has a carbohydrate such as cellulose, agar, carrageenan, and alginates which can be used as a base for the manufacture of bioethanol.

The process of making bioethanol from seaweed is a complex and lengthy process but has several advantages
compared to other land plants such as maize, cassava, and sugarcane. Land
seaweed cultivation sprawling along the coast of Indonesia that production is abundant.

Another advantage is the wide opening of job opportunities for
fishing communities. Imagine, it took how many million tons of seaweed for
run a motor vehicle that is in our country alone. Millions of tons
seaweed will certainly absorb the labor force is not small is not it?

Energy Revolution has to be done to maintain the existence
of mankind. One of progress is the use of bioethanol as a fuel substitute for gasoline. Brazil, the United States, Colombia, Australia, Sweden, India, Thailand, Japan and China are already using gasohol (a mixture of pure gasoline and ethanol) as fuel.

Brazil is a pioneer Pro-Alcohol program since 1975, while
as manufacturers and users with the largest gasohol volume reached 14 billion liters per year. Lately in our country have also begun to
using gasohol as motor vehicle fuel consumption, although the number is still small.

Gasohol use because it is starting to bloom between the semi-renewable fuels to renewable. Semi-renewable because gasohol still require fossil fuels within a certain percentage. In addition gasohol also reduces air pollution. So far, our air polluted by a mixture of fuels such as lead or PlumBum (PB) and Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE), which also pollute ground water, lakes, and other water sources.

Let us think for a moment and imagine the future of our Country
upcoming. Imagine vehicles using gasohol E-85, which means 85% of fuel needs to be replaced by ethanol
produced from seaweed.

How the state budget that would save the cost of subsidies? How much tax will be obtained from the State of bioethanol industry moving? What percentage reduction in the number of unemployed? As if the cool air in our country?

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